Customers have been receiving incoming calls from individuals spoofing the Peoples Bank Customer Contact Center’s 1-800 number.
Fraudsters can spoof our Customer Contact Center phone number, so Caller ID is NOT an effective tool to verify the authenticity of a caller.
Please remember that Peoples Bank will never call to ask you for your debit card number, online credentials, or other confidential personal information. If you receive a call and are ever uncertain about its authenticity, please hang up and call the Bank at a publicly available number.
Please contact us immediately if you received this message and provided any card, personal, account, or online banking information to the scammers.
More about this scam:
- Callers claim they are employees of Peoples Bank and are following up on a recent or pending fraudulent transaction.
- As part of a verification process, they are asking our customers to provide them with the last 8 digits of their debit card, PIN, and CVV code. They may also request online banking usernames and passwords.
This is a fraudulent request. Peoples Bank may call customers to notify you of or discuss suspicious activity on your account. However, we will never ask for your debit card number, PIN, CVV, online credentials, or other confidential personal information, such as your social security number.
If you ever receive a call from someone claiming to represent the bank and you do not trust the authenticity of the call, hang up and call the bank. Do not provide card information, personal information, or online banking credentials to anyone who calls you.
If you have questions or believe your information has been compromised, please contact our Customer Contact Center at (800) 584-8859 or visit your nearest branch.
Learn more about Spoofing and other common scams here.