Peoples Bank Offers Tips for Fraud Prevention
In 2023, Washington residents lost over $253 million to fraud, according to Federal Trade Commission (FTC) data.
Please be aware: Some customers have reported receiving phone calls from fraudsters pretending to be Peoples Bank. Please do not give out any personal or financial information via text or phone call. If you have additional questions, call our Contact Center at (800) 584-8859.
In 2023, Washington residents lost over $253 million to fraud, according to Federal Trade Commission (FTC) data.
Every day, thousands of people fall victim to fraudulent emails, texts and calls from scammers pretending to be their bank.
Peoples Bank shares how to prevent becoming the victim of fraud during the holidays and year-round.
Peoples Bank is excited to introduce a new customer identification service to better protect your accounts and personal information.
From phishing scams to check fraud, here’s what to watch for – and how to keep your money safe.
Business owners who haven’t experienced fraud may have a false sense of security and believe they’re protected, but as criminals get more sophisticated, businesses need to stay even more vigilant.
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